Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Some more images from the series. All were shot using the iPod Touch 5G and Squid Cam Lens (front element removed). The series has been progressing, but I still have to shoot a lot of frames to get a keeper. It just takes time and effort to find out what works and gain some control over the process.

Rocking Chair Test

Bridge Approach

1st Street Tressle

Static Discharge

Thursday, November 13, 2014


While I was at the PLAYA residency I started a new series of abstract photos. They were shot using my iPod Touch 5G and Squid Cam lens with the front element removed. The concept was to reduce the photograph to its essential forms and  produce a soft focus abstract image. Some of these images were shot during the residency and others were shot after returning home to Albany.

Playa Trail

Playa Pond

Playa Abstract #3

Song for Spotted Robe

Shape Shifter

Distillation #3

Cala Lilly - Winter

Saturday, November 1, 2014


These are some of the ICM abstracts from my artist residency at the PLAYA. All were shot using the iPod Touch 5G and Long Expo app.

Playa Dawn

Dust Up

Spirit Comes #5

Playa Song

Playa Sunrise

Playa Sunrise #2