Thursday, June 30, 2011

Recent Images: A Mixed Bag

These are some images I shot over the last few weeks. There is no common thread, as I have not had much time to work. Just a few minutes here and there.

Long Reach - Simpson

Dark Embrace - Bald Hill Farm

Home Ferns #1

Home Ferns #2

Surge - Cox Creek

Monday, June 6, 2011

Salem Trip

These are some of the images from a trip to Salem OR. All were shot using the lensbaby system and the plastic optic.           Enjoy. Kurt

Water Lily #1

Pond Reflection #4

Friday, June 3, 2011

Pinwide Test

Here are a few images shot with the Pinwide lens from Wanderlust Cameras ( It is a wide angle pinhole lens for the micro 4/3 cameras like my Olympus EP-2. Because the micro 4/3 cameras do not have a mirror box, the pinhole can be recessed into the camera body, producing images that are very much like traditional analog pinhole. I am impressed so far, but have not had a chance to really field test this combination. Stay tuned - Kurt

1.2 sec / Aperture Priority / Tripod

1sec / Aperture Priority / Tripod

0.8 sec / Aperture Priority / Hand held w/ movement